Dear Fort Ebey

I have permanently removed the post. I appreciate all of you reaching out to me over the years and sharing your concerns with my post.

If I put myself in your shoes, I would not really care what my reasoning was for the post, but you should know that there are two sides to a story. Here is mine.

I went surfing at Fort Ebey, by myself. I had 25 years as a surfer in Orange County (Cliffs) and Norcal (Pacifica/OB/Rockaway) under my belt. I know localism, and I know how to behave in a lineup. I waited my turn and was super respectful to the locals that I encountered, even kind. They both went out of their way to make sure I had the worst experience ever, despite my following all the unwritten rules of being a guest. They purposely planted themselves right in the takeoff zone to thwart any waves I attempted to catch (not to mention put me in a dangerous position with the shallowness of the takeoff zone/rocks).

A pen is mightier than a sword, and that is the angle I chose to repay the two locals who chose to ruin my trip and put me in danger.

Consider the debt to me paid in full. Good luck Fort Ebey and the next time you have a guest in the line up, treat them like a human.

2 thoughts on “Dear Fort Ebey

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  1. I’m interested in what your original story was regarding surfing at Fort Ebey. I grew up surfing in South San Diego County. I consider Imperial Beach as my “home” break but regularly surfed up and down the county as well as Northern Baja. My main reason of interest is that my family has owned property on Whidbey since 1940 and still does today, although I have never surfed here. I have experienced my own minor bouts of localism surfing some spots in La Jolla as well as Sunset Cliffs. If you still have a link to the original story I’ld like to read it, if that’s not possible no worries.


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